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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
1 OTPme Fehler Erledigt Normal missing AUTH_OK_OTP message for ntlm verfication The 2nd 11 January 2015 18:22 Actions
3 OTPme Feature Erledigt Normal add optional powered-by logo to roundcube plugin The 2nd 13 January 2015 22:23 Actions
6 OTPme Feature Erledigt Normal add max_sessions feature to access groups The 2nd 14 January 2015 17:34 Actions
14 OTPme Fehler Erledigt Normal adding child group or session does not work if child group name is a part of parent group name The 2nd 15 January 2015 21:52 Actions
15 OTPme Fehler Erledigt Normal find_free_uuid() does not check session uuids The 2nd 16 January 2015 00:03 Actions
13 OTPme Feature Erledigt Normal sessions should be grouped by parent/child relation in show_sessions() The 2nd 16 January 2015 01:11 Actions
12 OTPme Feature Erledigt Normal add sort feature to show_sessions() The 2nd 16 January 2015 15:02 Actions
11 OTPme Feature Erledigt Normal add min_len, max_len and default_len for static password tokens The 2nd 18 January 2015 00:31 Actions
8 OTPme Fehler Erledigt Normal make sure there is only one session master in parent > child tree The 2nd 18 January 2015 00:34 Actions
20 OTPme Feature Erledigt Normal add --version The 2nd 18 January 2015 13:38 Actions
16 OTPme Fehler Erledigt Normal OTPme should handle missing config file parameters The 2nd 18 January 2015 13:41 Actions
21 OTPme Fehler Erledigt Normal under some circumstances not all child sessions get created The 2nd 19 January 2015 21:34 Actions
23 OTPme Feature Erledigt Normal modify log_passwords feature for logging of all auth infos (e.g. challenge/response) The 2nd 22 January 2015 22:12 Actions
24 OTPme Feature Erledigt Normal add bash completion for OTPme commands The 2nd 24 January 2015 00:20 Actions
10 OTPme Feature Erledigt Normal implement otpme-token show The 2nd 24 January 2015 14:51 Actions
31 OTPme Feature Erledigt Normal child sessions should be identifiable via "otpme-session show" The 2nd 24 January 2015 20:18 Actions
33 OTPme Feature Erledigt Normal implement module to be used with freeradius rlm_python The 2nd 30 January 2015 20:04 Actions
34 OTPme Fehler Erledigt Normal setting user description does not work The 2nd 31 January 2015 22:15 Actions
32 OTPme Feature Erledigt Normal add sample config for openldap The 2nd 01 February 2015 00:50 Actions
5 OTPme Feature Erledigt Normal child sessions should not inherit timeout values The 2nd 01 February 2015 20:40 Actions
35 OTPme Fehler Erledigt Normal session timeout pass on is not done recursive The 2nd 01 February 2015 20:40 Actions
36 OTPme Fehler Erledigt Normal setting group max_fail should disable locking The 2nd 01 February 2015 20:54 Actions
17 OTPme Feature Erledigt Normal add token type that will call an external script for user authentication The 2nd 02 February 2015 18:37 Actions
18 OTPme Feature Erledigt Normal add user authorization script The 2nd 02 February 2015 18:37 Actions
19 OTPme Feature Erledigt Normal following logout requests should not be counted as failed login The 2nd 02 February 2015 21:01 Actions
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